Sunday, February 7, 2010

Mark Katzman on assignment with Playboy

When Mark met Frank Owen, his energy was electrifying. A celebrated, and sometimes controversial, writer he had enough colorful stories to paint a thousand pictures. After the three-hour drive to the subject in Southern Missouri, Mark realized that this man was a creative genius, the likes of which he'd rarely met– or at least teamed up with to cover a story for Playboy! A prolific talker, he was mysteriously quiet when it came to discussing the assignment at hand. What did he have in mind? What was his take on this story? How could Mark partner with him to support his vision? He asked a lot of questions until he realized Frank was not really the ‘plan it out’ type. “Let’s see what happens.” he said. Finally Frank shared a thought – “I would love to see an image of him gazing out over a distant hill, sun peeking over the horizon… prepared for the world as we know it to end – the dawn of a new era.” Ok. Now we’re getting somewhere. It was 45 minutes before sunset and we asked our subject, “Any hills around here?” Yup… but they’re 40 min away. Hmm, that will leave us 5 min to scout and shoot. Buzzed from Frank’s energy, Mark said, “Let’s go!”