Monday, March 5, 2012

Eric Kiel's John Deere Motion/Print Campaign

Here is Eric's finalized film/print campaign for John Deere Financial.
It was his second time working with Bader Rutter out of Milwaukee 
Wisconsin and his first job for John Deere.
Team Kiel was hired to shoot 6 print ads and produce a 1 minute spot. 
They shot sunrise through sundown… froze themselves to the bone 
and drank way too much coffee but had a blast. They nailed it and
It’s jobs like this that give Eric a clear appreciation for his team. 
Years of experience and knowing how to get the job done
collaborating with a team who knows each other so well. 
Way to go everyone!
2011 was an incredible year for motion. EVERY client he shot a
print campaign for, he also directed motion for…and we 
don’t see that changing. Companies need motion content. Whether 
he's shooting a full TV commercial or just a :30 second spot for
a website… they are seeing the value of having seamless translation
between their print ads and motion.

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