Thursday, March 21, 2013

Sneak Peak at our Archive Ad

Our next Gren Group Archive Ad will be in print on April 2nd, but we're excited to share it NOW. A big thanks to award winning Creative Director Jon Arnold and his team at Bohan Agency for the design and creative. 

  Image © Tibor Nemeth 

Spring fever has us working on all kinds of projects including our new website....launching soon!   Until then, happy Spring to all!  

Carl Tremblay - Bring the Spring!

Supposedly Spring is on the way, & with it comes melting snow - so why not have some fun with it?  Below are two images from the beginnings of a "Spring Rituals" personal project that Carl is working on.    Our curiosity is peaked :-)

Jonathan Chapman for the Minnesota Twins.

Minnesota is known for hockey, but it's that time of year to start thinking Baseball!  In this project for the Minnesota Twins Community Fund, Jonathan worked closely with the team at Martin Williams to bring the original concept to life upon the frozen surface of Brownie Lake in Minneapolis.  Special thanks to Volt Studios, the Picture Factory, and  Tasty Lighting for their assistance in bringing it all together.

The final :30 spot is now airing and will also be shown at the Twins Stadium once the 2013 season is underway. 

Tallgrass Pictures Mars :30 spot

Jeffrey Lamont Brown & his team at Tallgrass pictures filmed the :30 spot below for San Diego State University, running now on ESPN.  The footage depicts eight children growing up with dreams of joining NASA's Mars Exploration Program. After attending SDSU, they become alumni who contributed to the landing of the Curiosity rover on Mars on August 5, 2012. Tons of fun over several days and locations, Tallgrass is thrilled to be in the planning stages of the next spot, set to go into production soon.  A big thanks to Jack Beresford and all those who helped make this commercial possible!

Monday, March 4, 2013

Xtreme Trout & Tibor Nemeth

You may have seen these on CA's site, but we haven't posted them here yet...and since we all look forward to the day we can hang the "Gone Fishin'" sign on the door, we wanted to share that Tibor actually did for a few days, photographing the Xtreme Trout campaign.   Based in Nashville, Xtreme Trout passionately instructs & guides enthusiasts on the art of fly-fishing.

We love the skillfully crafted copy on each image & thank XTreme Trout & GS&F for this experience!   See more of Tibor's work at